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Christopher Dodd presents a jobs agenda


Following a tour of the Tech Incubator - the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Senator Chris Dodd (D- CT) unveiled his new, comprehensive jobs agenda.  It aims to allow businesses to expand and add jobs, access to credit, and put Connecticut’s unemployed workers back to work.

"While our national economy shows promising signs of turning around, times are still tough for workers and small businesses in Connecticut. Record-high unemployment, state and local budgets stretched to the breaking point, and a lack of available credit for businesses have all put a squeeze on families across the state,” said Dodd.

Highlights of Dodd’s Jobs Agenda (from his website)

Establish Clean Energy Business Zones Jumpstart 21st Century Manufacturing Create the “Connecticut Care Corps” Empowerment: Helping Small Businesses Grow

Get Credit Flowing with “Main Street Micro-Lending” Reward Small Businesses for Creating and Retaining Jobs Extend a Helping Hand to Entrepreneurs Infrastructure: Common-Sense Community Investments

Create a New “Cash for Caulkers” Program Invest in Transportation and Sustainable Development Establish the National Infrastructure Bank

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