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Connecticut Technology Councils Calls for Support of High Growth Firms, Provide More Funding For Con


State second largest statewide business trade association issues 2011 Agenda

East Hartford, Conn. – Connecticut Technology Council said future economic growth is very possible as it issued its 2011 public policy agenda today for the consideration of the new Governor Malloy Administration, the State Legislature and other economic development groups . The Agenda is organized around the key parts of what has become known as the “innovation eco-system.” This is the set of conditions and relationships that give a region the ability to create companies and jobs through the complex process of commercializing intellectual property. Parts of this eco-system include university or corporate tech transfer, adequate investment capital, start-up business acceleration, incentives, networks, available talent, global connections and regional infrastructure. Each of these ingredients is addressed in the Agenda.

Board members Kevin Burns, CEO of Precision Combustion in North Haven and Frank Marco, a partner in the New Haven founded Wiggin & Dana law firm, were the co-chairs of the task force that oversaw the drafting of the document over several months and involving over half of the groups 45 person board during many meetings and discussions.

“Building on the findings of our ground- breaking Competitiveness Agenda report published two months ago, this Innovation Agenda sets out government objectives and strategies needed to build high quality jobs and a sustained growth environment in Connecticut,” noted Burns. “We can rebuild Connecticut’s competitiveness, but we must act. We will follow this Innovation Agenda immediately with specific policies and action steps and will be talking about these with the administration and the legislative leaders in the weeks and months ahead.”

“We are delighted that Governor Malloy and the legislative leadership have indicated their appreciation of the importance of innovation to creating the jobs of the future economic prosperity for the state, and believe that the public- private initiatives recommended by our Agenda can play a key role in this effort”, said Marco.

“Connecticut finds itself in a categories of locations that are going to depend on high value added jobs and very competitive companies, in a league with places such as Silicon Valley, Boston, Austin Texas, and countries such as Denmark, Singapore and South Korea. We are moving full speed into a post industrial future – that doesn’t mean we won’t have manufacturing – but it does mean that R&D and innovation will drive our economic growth. This agenda addresses what we and other locations have learned about what it takes to compete in this league. Ironically we invented this type of economy in the 1840s and excelled for 150 years. We can do this again,” said CTC President and CEO Matthew Nemerson.

The technology council will produce a third document later this month outlining a range additional specific projects and concepts in each of the eight areas in which the Agenda has issued broader recommendations.

The Agenda is viewable below and available as a downloadable PDF file at Press Contact: Matthew Nemerson 860 289-0878 x333 or 203 444-6482,

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