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CTC’s Gubernatorial Candidate Forum is Coming June 13!


Join the Connecticut Technology Council and the Connecticut technology community on June 13, 2018 at the Trumbull Marriott for our 2018 Gubernatorial Candidate Forum on Tackling Connecticut’s Technology Business Growth. This non-partisan event will focus on how the candidates will help tackle some of the most pressing issues facing the technology community in Connecticut today, which the Connecticut Technology Council identified in our community survey at the close of 2017. This forum will be moderated by Joe D’Ambrosio of WTIC AM 1080, and will be open to the public. Please note that seating is limited, attendees must register at the button below. CTC members will receive priority seating at the event.

The Connecticut Technology Council used the results of our survey to develop a comprehensive public policy agenda for 2018-19. Read the complete Growth Agenda for Connecticut’s Technology Business Sector now. We have honed the results of the data gathered to develop a position that speaks directly to the needs of Connecticut’s businesses and entrepreneurs in the tech ecosystem.

The Growth Agenda is the public policy statement of Connecticut’s technology community. It provides recommendations to lawmakers to help them create an environment where technology companies can thrive. The state’s tech sector, made up of roughly 6,000 companies, can and should be the leaders to help Connecticut out of these doldrums, to achieve the type of economic growth that we all want. The key is better coordination. The organizations that are designed to support the growth of companies are not well-coordinated with each other, resulting in confusion. Better coordination will result in clearer communication among, to, and about technology-based companies. Better coordination will also help show a critical mass of tech activity in the state, something that is lost when broken into pieces. This Growth Agenda is designed to help policymakers understand the issues that Connecticut’s technology companies are facing and to present some recommendations for moving forward. Looking at what our state has in the way of assets and identifying what Connecticut’s technology companies need to thrive, create wealth, and add jobs to the workforce, the Growth Agenda is a set of recommendations for our policy leaders to adopt.

The Candidate Forum will provide all qualifying candidates the opportunity to address and share their visions for the future of Connecticut’s technology business sector, particularly as it relates to our Growth Agenda.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Trumbull Marriott Merritt Parkway 180 Hawley Ln Trumbull, CT 06611

9:30am – 10:30am     Registration and refreshments

10:30am – Noon         Republican Candidates Forum

Noon – 1:00pm           Lunch with the Candidates

1:00pm – 2:30pm       Democratic Candidates Forum

Register now to hear directly from Connecticut’s Gubernatorial Candidates on how they plan on Tackling Connecticut’s Tech Business Growth now and into the future!

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East Hartford, CT 06108

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