Top Five Things You Can Do to Protect Your Business and Your Clients
The Top Five Things You Can Do to Protect Your Business and Your Clients Cybersecurity Panel takes questions from the audience
The Cybersecurity Seminar Series, a new three-part discussion presented by the Connecticut Technology Council, kicked off in Stamford on Monday, March 30. The morning discussion on the Top Five Things You Can Do to Protect Your Business and Your Clients was hosted by UCONN Stamford and Congressman Jim Himes, ranking member of the Subcommittee for National Security Agency and Cybersecurity, was the keynote speaker.
In addition to Himes, other event speakers included Rick Harris, Partner at Day Pitney LLP, and Martin McBride, Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI. After the discussion, Harris and McBride joined Matthew Lane, CIO of JANUS Associates, to panel the question and answer segment of the event.
You can peruse the slideshow utilized during the event below because we believe making the meat of this vital information public can serve the greater community. As you will be able to tell quickly from our survey included in the presentation, there is a significant “confidence gap” between the reality of cyber threats and the perception of the same. Businesses need to increase cybersecurity training for employees – both at hire and as an ongoing professional necessity. One of the Top Five Things You Can Do To Protect Your Business our Clients is train your employees in cyber hygiene.
More than 70 individuals including business owners, IP, and security professionals were in attendance. We look forward to seeing these individuals and more at the second Cybersecurity Seminar in June. State of Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen will keynote the discussion.