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Gov. Jodi Rell’s Tech Proposals for Connecticut 2010

Connecticut Gov. Jodi Rell proposed a lending program for small businesses, a sales tax exemption for materials and supplies used in renewable energy and green technology, and a loan forgiveness program for students. Excerpts from Gov. Jodi Rell, State of the State Address: 

Feb. 3, 2010: "I am calling for the creation of the new Connecticut Credit Consortium – a $500 million partnership between the state and Connecticut banks to substantially boost credit availability. I propose canceling $100 million in old bond authorizations and instead use the funds for the Consortium. Our $100 million dollars will leverage at least $400 million dollars from banks all across our state. …"

… I am proposing that we expand our sales tax exemption to include machines, equipment, tools, materials, supplies and fuels used in the renewable energy and green technology. …"

… And our companies will only succeed if they have the qualified, trained employees they need. That is why I am proposing a new loan forgiveness program for students who stay and work in Connecticut after they graduate from college with a degree or certificate in green technology, renewable energy, life sciences or health information technology. They will receive a $2,500 annual forgiveness for each of four years if they have a baccalaureate or higher degree or $2,500 a year for two years with an associate degree."

Full text of Gov. Jodi Rell's, 2/3/2010 State of the State Address can be found at:

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