Small Businesses take note: There are new programs started under the legislation HB 6801 – An Act Promoting Economic Growth and Job Creation in the State, which is aimed at reinventing Connecticut by spurring the creation of new jobs, encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship, and strengthening the state’s overall competitiveness. This is a push to change mindsets – to get businesses to make that new hire or new investment in their capabilities with matching grants, loans, and tax credits – there is alot of money available here – How can you know if there is a fit for you? Attend one of these sessions or learn more at DECDs website.
11/9 update: I attended the E. Hartford session today and it was pretty great. After a (thankfully) short overview of by DECD Commissioner, Catherine Smith and Deputy Commissioner, Ron Angelo – there was a lengthy, very interesting Q&A. Pictured here was the info session where small business owners were able to have a face to face conversation and info session with the agencies overseeing the programs.
These programs are actively accepting applications now – though this is admittedly a new set of programs. Look to DECD to post full information and links here:
The legislature had its special session. Now, you have yours. REINVENTING CONNECTICUT
Last week's special session on jobs resulted in a comprehensive set of pro-business measures being adopted that will help businesses—most notably small businesses—prosper and grow.
DECD invites you to learn firsthand how this new legislation can positively affect your business by attending one of the meetings listed. Additional dates, times and locations are being added, so be sure to check for updates. DECD will also be hosting webinars for those that cannot participate in person.
With $180 million in new funding specifically targeted to small business, these new initiatives are a key piece of Governor Malloy’s strategy to accelerate our economic recovery and reinvent Connecticut. These sessions are a great opportunity to learn about our programs to assist business and to meet one-on-one with economic development representatives to access fast-track assistance from the state. We look forward to meeting you!
Catherine Smith, Commissioner of DECD Invites You -
Choose from one of following which will be held from 8:30-10 a.m.:
11/9 – East Hartford/Rentschler Field
11/14 – Danielson/Quinnebaug Valley Community College
11/16 – Torrington/UConn
11/22 – New Britain/CCSU Institute of Technology and Business Development
12/2 – Groton/Groton Inn & Suites
12/6 – New Haven/New Haven Lawn Club
12/14 – Stamford/UConn
1/12 – Danbury/Matrix Corporate Center
… and more dates to be announced.
Space is limited. Reserve your spot today by emailing or call 1-800-392-2122.