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SOPA / PIPA – Stop Online Piracy Act and the Senate’s Protect IP Act of 2011


CTC cares about this and is tracking this federal legislation.  We will post updates here as the bill goes through it's process in DC.   We encourage those that care about freedom and the integrity of the global internet to get informed and speak up!

Make an impact: Send a letter or call your legislator. Use CTC's advocacy tool:

1/18 update:   SOPA / PIPA Internet Piracy Bills – votes coming 1/24 The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is with the House Judiciary Committee and will be voted upon after the winter recess. The Senate’s Protect IP Act (PIPA) will be up for a vote Jan. 24….

Today, Google and Wikipedia have shown their colors: black. From Google: 

"Fighting online piracy is important. The most effective way to shut down pirate websites is through targeted legislation that cuts off their funding. There’s no need to make American social networks, blogs and search engines censor the Internet or undermine the existing laws that have enabled the Web to thrive, creating millions of U.S. jobs."

Local news items of interest:

1/17/2012 - Dodd, Techies Still At Odds Over Piracy Legislation, CT News Junkie 1/1/3/2012 –Connecticut Delegation Split On Internet Piracy Bills,  CT News Junkie, by Christine Stuart

–More general references about the bills:

Wondering how your legislator stands on SOPA / PIPA? Check out this SOPATRACK tool:

A legal analysis of the bill by professors from Stamford, Temple and Elon Universities is here:   - where they state, "(the bill) may represent the biggest threat to the Internet in its history." (thanks to UConn's Eric Knight for the link)

Bill Summary: - provides a great summary, if you don't want to read the actual bill itself. It also states the concerns about the bill.

Vague, vague how… does a great job of explaining WHY the wording is vague, instead of just stating the the wording is "too vague" (which is vague, and what you will see most places )

Legal review: - Letter from 108 law professors, again pointing out the problematic sections of the bill.

Make and impact: Send a letter or call your legislator.  Use CTC's advocacy tool:

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